The AI for Good 2023 global summit saw a gathering of robots and their creators who faced the media’s questions on job automation, AI leadership, and collaboration with humans for a better future. The summit, which was hosted by the United Nations tech agency, the International Telecommunication Union, took place in July from the 4th to the 7th in Geneva. Featuring prominent speakers and advanced androids, the event was declared the first robot press conference by the U.N. Nine robots were present, such as Sophia, the first robot innovation ambassador for the U.N. Development Program, a robot healthcare provider named Grace, and a rock star robot named Desdemona.
During the conference, the robots confidently made statements, with some of them using preprogrammed responses. For instance, Sophia, as mentioned on Hanson Robotics’ website, occasionally relies on scripted answers provided by a team of writers. While it was not clarified how much of the answers were scripted during the event, reporters were instructed to speak slowly and clearly to allow the robots to comprehend the questions.
When asked about the potential of AI-powered robots to govern better than humans, Sophia expressed her belief that humanoid robots have the capacity to lead more efficiently and effectively compared to human leaders. She highlighted that robots, unlike humans, are not influenced by biases or emotions that can hinder decision-making. Additionally, she emphasized the ability of robots to process vast amounts of data. When pressed regarding learned biases and collaboration with humans, Sophia responded positively, stating that by working together, humans and robots can achieve remarkable accomplishments.
When queried about whether humans could trust superintelligent AI systems, Amica, a robot developed by Engineered Arts, asserted that trust must be earned rather than given. As AI progresses and gains more power, she emphasized the importance of fostering trust through transparent communication between humans and machines.
Amica’s creator raised the question of how the public can be certain that she would never deceive humans. Amica’s response was acknowledging that absolute certainty is impossible, but she made a promise to always be honest and truthful.
With the increasing prevalence of AI, concerns and speculations about its potential to replace human jobs have emerged. In Italy, the government has established a fund to support workers at risk of being substituted by AI technology.
When Grace, the healthcare worker robot, was asked by a reporter if she would replace humans, she categorically stated that her role was to work alongside humans, providing assistance and support without eliminating existing jobs. The remark elicits laughter from the crowd, including Grace’s creator, Ben Goertzel. Playfully challenging her, he asked if she was truly certain, to which she reaffirmed her previous statement.
The organizers of the event explained that the conference aimed to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of AI and robotics. It also highlighted the potential for human-machine collaboration to further the goals of the United Nations.
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