Ukraine has claimed that they sank another Russian warship, the landing craft Caesar Kunikov, off the Crimean coast on Wednesday. The Ukrainian military said its forces used locally-produced “MAGURA” sea drones to attack the ship, putting critical holes in its left side before it went down.
With this latest attack, Ukraine">Ukraine asserts that it has now incapacitated around a third of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet since the large-scale invasion began. This aligns with previous Ukrainian statements that they had already disabled about 33% of Russian warships, which would be 24 ships and 1 submarine before sinking the Caesar Kunikov.
The drone strike on Caesar Kunikov was conducted by a special forces unit within Ukraine’s military intelligence agency in coordination with Ukraine’s security and defense forces. The agency said the ship had been docked for 10 days at a location where Russia was loading it with armaments.
When asked about the incident, the Kremlin spokesperson declined to comment, saying it pertained to Russia’s “special military operation” and was under the Defense Ministry’s authority. The Russian government has not yet confirmed or denied Ukraine’s claim of sinking the landing craft.
Ukraine has increasingly utilized drones to match up against Russia’s military capabilities. Earlier this month, Ukraine said it used drones to sink the Russian guided-missile ship Ivanovets. Ukraine’s top general recently emphasized the importance of drones in avoiding a positional war where Russia has the advantage.
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