Treydora, a New York entertainment and education startup founded by nurse and computer scientist Mark Loudermilk, has announced plans to launch an innovative non-fungible token (NFT) comic book universe and virtual reality (VR) training platform for healthcare workers.
After working long hours in hospitals during the pandemic, Loudermilk was inspired to use his background in computer science creatively. In November, Treydora will release the first comic in its NFT superhero series about an ancient God-like being named Treydora. The company has partnered with renowned comic artists to illustrate the expansive science fiction narrative and ultimately plans to expand the story world into other mediums like VR, movies, and more.
Additionally, Treydora is developing a groundbreaking VR education platform to dramatically improve learning outcomes and engagement for healthcare workers. The technology aims to revolutionize training through hyper-realistic 3D simulations of clinical environments. Loudermilk believes emerging tools like VR, blockchain, and AI present opportunities to fundamentally reimagine corporate training and employee development.
By combining worldbuilding, gaming, and training using innovative technologies, Treydora is actively pioneering the future of digital experiences, ownership, and learning. More details on the entertainment metaverse and VR education platform will be revealed in the coming months.
#NFT #VR #VirtualReality #Healthcare #Blockchain