
区块链技术对现代战争产生了重大影响,乌克兰的例子就是明证。在Blockchain Economy London Summit上,DaVinci 3.0的首席执行官和《华尔街日报》畅销书作者Patrick Sweeney强调了面对不确定性时的勇气的重要性,早期采用技术的人就具备这种品质。他赞扬乌克兰愿意接受数字资产和区块链技术的态度,该国的加密货币采用率高达人口的17%。

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Is ChatGPT contributing to elevating crypto search to a new level through its involvement in a new project, which could potentially revolutionize the industry?

Kaito, a web3-oriented search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence, has recently secured $5.3 million through a seed funding round, as per a recent TechCrunch article. The funds raised will be allocated towards expanding the team and expediting the development of the product. The fundraising round saw participation from several notable investors, such as Sequoia Capital China, Jane Street, Folius Ventures, Alpha Lab Capital, Mirana Ventures, with Dragonfly Capital serving as the lead investor.

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