In an interview with the BBC, James Cameron, the renowned Hollywood film director of the 1997 movie Titanic, expressed a deep emotional connection to the loss of the Titan submersible, stating that he felt it “in his bones”. It has been reported that James Cameron has undertaken a total of 33 dives to the wreck of the Titanic.
As per his statement, James Cameron was on board a ship on Sunday when the Titan submersible went missing, and he only became aware of the situation on Monday.
Upon receiving news that the Titan submersible had lost both its navigation and communication capabilities simultaneously, James Cameron reportedly expressed immediate suspicion of a catastrophic event.
James Cameron conveyed a strong sense of intuition regarding the situation, stating that he had an instinctual feeling that something had gone terribly wrong upon learning that the Titan submersible had experienced a simultaneous failure of its electronics, communication system, and tracking transponder, leading him to believe that the sub was gone.
Subsequently, James Cameron reportedly contacted some of his acquaintances within the deep submersible community to gather more information. Within a short period of time, he was able to obtain the following details: the Titan submersible was en route to the ocean floor, having descended to a depth of 3,500 meters and was on course to reach a depth of 3,800 meters.
As per James Cameron’s account, the submersible had lost its communication and navigation capabilities, which he believed could not have occurred without a severe or highly energetic catastrophic event. He further stated that the thought of an implosion immediately came to his mind as the most plausible explanation for the occurrence.
As per a US Navy official who spoke to CBS News, an acoustic anomaly that was indicative of an implosion was detected shortly after the Titan submersible lost contact with the surface on Thursday.
The US Navy official further stated that the information was promptly communicated to the US Coast Guard team, who utilized it to effectively narrow down the search area.
In an interview with BBC News, James Cameron expressed that the previous week had been a distressing and seemingly never-ending ordeal, characterized by discussions of banging noises, oxygen levels, and other related matters that contributed to a sense of chaos and confusion.
James Cameron went on to state that he had a strong conviction that the submersible was located precisely beneath its last known depth and position, and this was subsequently proven to be true when the submersible was discovered at that exact location.
Additionally, James Cameron mentioned that after deploying a remotely operated underwater vehicle on Thursday, the search team was able to locate the submersible within a few hours, and possibly even within minutes.
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